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Distribute Leads Intelligently with Infusionsoft

3 August 2017
distribute leads intelligently with Infusionsoft

Lead distribution and lead allocation is one of the most important elements towards the making of a sale. Through the use of automated geocoding, Conversion Leadership found a way to distribute leads intelligently with Infusionsoft and give its Client’s salespeople the power to nurture leads to the best of their ability.

Conversion Leadership is an Infusionsoft partner, and for one of our clients we used Infusionsoft to assist with the process of marketing automation to bridge the gap between leads and sales reps. They were missing the critical element of geocoding to automate and speed up the process of lead nurturing.

Geocoding, the process of using geographical information, has ensured that the sales reps allocated were the best fit for the leads, as they had local knowledge to offer. This system increased conversion rates and allowed our client, Property Investors, to track where the most sales and interest were coming from (so they could adjust the salesforce accordingly).

Lead Allocation Success is Possible with Infusionsoft

Property Investors is an Australian real estate property investment company which deals with 600-800 leads per month. For each lead, a sales representative needs to be ready to make contact in person and nurture toward a sale.

When you have 35 sales reps covering an entire island continent worth of warm leads, individually sorting and allocating reps to leads is a painful and time consuming task for the state manager (even with the Infusionsoft software).

“In essence we’ve got multiple states that we run out of, and we’re got sales consultants in each state, obviously. Also we’re a home-based business, and all of our consultants work from their residences. We get online lead sources – for Victoria we’ll get leads from Mildura to Melbourne. So ideally we want to have these leads filtered out, and of course have the reps get the leads closest to their vicinity.” – Property Investors’ Managing Director, Tim Ash.


Matching leads to local sales reps is not a standard function with the Infusionsoft bridging capabilities.So Conversion Leadership created and optimized the software specifically for Property Investors, through automated geocoding. Ultimately saving the state manager from having to manually pair the sales rep and lead (equating to hours of wasted time).

Automated Geocoding for Lead Distribution and Allocation

The solution for Tim Ash was the extension of our Cloud Hooks for Infusionsoft™ that could be integrated seamlessly to provide a geocoding function as part of “owner allocation” process.

“The geolocation program they went through and put in was very simple. We upload the leads into the system, and then the system sorts through them … and they’re broken down into the relevant areas for sales consultants” – Tim Ash


Using the locations supplied during lead acquisition, Conversion Leadership are able to save State Managers, from the laborious task of matching leads with sales reps, by automating the process for them.

By distributing leads intelligently, Property Investors now empowers it salespeople to provide the best service for their leads. Automatically matching leads to the most qualified salesperson, is also resulting in higher conversion rates and cost savings on travel expenses incurred from mismatched sales reps.

To find out how your business can benefit by distributing leads intelligently with Infusionsoft, get in touch today!