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Great Sales vs Marketing Debate

11 July 2017
Sales Vs Marketing and Smarketing

The concept of sales vs marketing has been a problem in business for a long time. It even lead to the creation of a new word (Smarketing), but what is a word without a strategy? At Conversion Leadership we believe the answer to the sales vs marketing debate is more than a portmanteau, we use automated marketing.

When Sales vs Marketing Becomes Smarketing

The sales department need quality leads, and blame marketing when they are unable to close the deal. While the marketing department blame the sales department for not being effective with their sales process.

The reality is, sales and marketing are functions within one process. They exist within the same buyer’s journey and sales funnel. They need to work together. Smarketing is a simple term for a very important idea; it’s time to join the sales and marketing departments into one team.

When the departments work together marketing can provide better messaging that allows the sales team to effectively communicate. The sales team can then better support the process of lead generation, cultivating better sales strategies that are in line with the marketing strategy.

SMarketing Means Nothing Without Strategy

Smarketing exists as a concept to bridge the gap between sales and marketing, but how is that bridge actually built? You need a strategy to combine the two disciplines and tools to support the process operationally.

One of the rifts for sales and marketing is their variance in buyer persona awareness. By bringing both departments into a marketing automation process, they can truly combine powers.

Marketing Automation is the Strategy that Makes Smarketing Possible

With marketing automation:

  • Both sales and marketing have access to buyer persona information, providing a unified view.
  • Data tracking and analytics are made available to both departments.
  • The processes can be synchronized so they are in line with timing to support objectives.
  • The user experience is enjoyable as the transition from MQL to SQL is seamless.
  • No leaks in your sales funnel
  • The buyer’s journey as a first time customer in comparison to a returning customer is the same. But the communications involved in this relationship are important as they increase the CLV.

Conversion Leadership is an Infusionsoft partner and develop Closed-Loop Automated Marketing solutions that understand the customer’s journey through the sales funnel.

Marketing automation supports the sales and marketing process and disintegrates the sales vs marketing debate, unifying the departments with their common goal with an automated software.