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Improve Automated Lead Generation

3 September 2015
Improve Automated Lead Generation

When you combine the power of customer relationship management (CRM) software with automated marketing software you instantly get the ability to develop leads more efficiently than with traditional marketing and sales processes.

This is because the combination allows users to analyse a prospect's habits and interests and so tailor the marketing efforts to the customer at every stage of the buying process.

In doing so, it positions automated lead generation as one of the most profitable forms of marketing available to businesses today.

3 Ways to Improve Automated Lead Generation

…lead generation and lead quality are still weak areas in the sales process for many companies, in large part because of poor utilization of the available technology or slow adoption of available technologies that will improve automated lead generation. Businesses can immediately improve lead generation by focusing on three core areas: upgrading technology, improving content quality, and developing the metrics that will yield the greatest customer insight.ittoolbox

In a great article on, Eric Scott Johnston offers quite a nice summary of the three most important ways to improve automated lead generate.

In summary, they are:

1. Developing Metrics That Matter

Used to determine the quality of a lead—for example, when a lead is ripe for conversion.

2. Upgrading Technology

Sticking with old technology leaves a business in the dark about its customers’ habits and interests and cost you business dollars.

3. Improving Content Quality

Whatever the type of content required to generate leads, content quality is one area that should not be underestimated or undervalued.

It might lead some to wonder just how important these three factors are but, like Eric, we believe also, that they form a integral part of any online strategy.